Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Moringa's Dried Leaf Powder is More Potent Than Fresh Moringa Leaf

Moringa's Dried Leaf Powder is More Potent Than Fresh Moringa Leaf

When you take a delicate Moringa leaf and carefully Chamber dry it - amazing things happen. There is significantly higher nutritional value in the Moringa dried leaf, in some cases over ten times in specific nutrients when compared to fresh Moringa leaf. Many universities and independent research laboratory analyses have confirmed the higher nutritional values in the dried leaf powder. What's more amazing is the gram for gram comparison of Moringa to common fruits and vegetables. The nutritional values of Moringa's many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, chlorophyll, and anti-aging compounds are higher than it's own fresh leaves.
Moringa, commonly known as the “Miracle  Tree” is considered to be the most nutrient plant ever known to mankind. You cannot have good health if you do not consume food that is nutritional. 
More than 40 basic nutrients should be present in our daily food intake. The most important thing about the nutrients is that they should be from a natural source. Then only, our body will absorb the nutrients. The vitamin and calcium supplements, that we take are not fully absorbed by the body. This is mainly because human body can differentiate between the natural nutrients and the synthetic ones. And moreover, the Vitamins or Minerals, when intake separate, they won’t help much. In other words, the human body will reap the benefit only when the Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and the other nutrients are feed together. Moringa , with 90+ nutrients, is a the best source to nourish the body with the essential nutrients. The list of nutrients present in Moringa can be broadly classified as given below.
Moringa is rich in vitamin to the extent that it is one of the richest plant sources of Vitamin. Moringa has Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 Pyrodixine), Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (Tocopherol) and Vitamin K. Vitamin A is most needed by the body to maintain a perfect vision and to maintain the cardiovascular health. Vitamin The calsium taken by the body works well only in the presence of Vitamin D
The list of Minerals present in Moringa is abundant and few of the main minerals includes Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc.  Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the growth, maintenance, and reproduction of the human body. Blood coagulation, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and relaxation, normal heart beat, stimulation of hormone secretion, activation of enzyme reactions, as well as other functions, all require small amounts of calcium. Moringa is the richest source of Calcium from a plant material and Moringa has 17 times more Calcium than that of milk. Moringa, with 25 times more Iron than that of Spinach, helps in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, which carry the oxygen in the blood and the muscle.  Iron also makes up part of many proteins and enzymes in the body and deficiencies of which leads to the weakening of the immune system. Moringa with 15 times the potassium in Banana,  assists in the regulation of the acid-base and water balance in the blood and the body tissues.  It assists in protein synthesis from amino acids and in carbohydrate metabolism.  It is necessary for the building of muscle and for normal body growth. Moringa is the natural alternative for the calcium supplements available in the market.
Moringa has approximately 46 antioxidants and is one of the most powerful source of natural anti-oxidants.  Anti-oxidants supply the free atoms needed by the human body and mitigate the effect of free radicals. Moringa leaves are rich in Flavonoids, a class of anti-oxidants. The major anti-oxidants present are Quercetin, Kaempferol, Beta-Sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic acid and Zeatin. Antioxidants play a major role in controlling the symptoms of aging process and improves the cardiovascular health. Additionally, Vitamin C & Vitamin E, present in Moringa, also  function as anti-oxidants. Researches confirm that the anti-oxidants deliever the desired result, if only taken with the combination of other esential vitamin and minerals, which makes health enthusiats to sought after Moringa.
Moringa is  filled with Phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are certain organic components of plants, and these components are thought to promote human health. The phytonutrients present in Moringa include, Alpha-carotene, Beta-Carotene, Beta-cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and Chlorophyll. Phytonutrients flushes toxins from the body, purifies the liver, helps to strengthen the immune system, helps in rebuilding the red blood cells and the important of all, Moringa  Phytonutrients rejuvenate the body at the cellular level. 


Moringa is a vegetable tree that is extremely nutritious and has many potential and healthy uses. The Moringa tree is believed by many to be the most giving plant in all of nature. It is loaded with nutrients, antioxidants and healthy proteins. Moringa is quite possibly the most amazing plant that anyone has ever studied.
Moringa Oleifera (Moringa) is called the Tree of Life because it is one a nature’s most nutritious foods. The powder in the Moringa leaf is containing over 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants along with all of the essential amino acids.

See more by comparison

What is Moringa Oleifera

Moringa Oleifera is the best known of the thirteen species of the genus Moringaceae. Moringa was highly valued in the ancient world. The Romans, Greeks and Egyptians extracted edible oil from the seeds and used it for perfume and skin lotion. In 19th century, plantations of Moringa in the West Indies exported the oil to Europe for perfumes and lubricants for machinery. People in the Indian sub-continent have long used Moringa pods for food. The edible leaves are eaten throughout West Africa and parts of Asia.
Varieties of Moringa
Other twelve (12) varieties of Moringa species
  • Moringa Arborea
  • Moringa Borziana
  • Moringa Concanensis
  • Moringa Drouhardii
  • Moringa Hildebrandtii
  • Moringa Longituba
  • Moringa Ovalifolia
  • Moringa Peregrina
  • Moringa Pygmaea
  • Moringa Rivae
  • Moringa Ruspoliana
  • Moringa Stenopetala
Common Name of Moringa Oleifera: Benzolive, Drumstick Tree, Kelor, Marango, Mlonge, Mulangay, Saijhan and Sajna

Moringa Oleifera

Moringa ovalifolia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Brassicales
Family: Moringaceae
Genus: Moringa
Type species
Moringa oleifera
See text
Donaldsonia Baker f.
Hyperanthera Forssk.[1]
Moringa is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. The name is derived from the Tamil word murunggai (முருங்கை) or the Malayalam word muringa, both of which refer to M. oleifera.[3] It contains 13 species from tropical and subtropical climates that range in size from tiny herbs to massive trees.
The most widely cultivated species is Moringa oleifera, a multipurpose tree native to the foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India and cultivated throughout the tropics.[4] M. stenopetala, an African species, is also widely grown, but to a much lesser extent than M. oleifera.
Moringa cultivation is on the rise in Honduras. There it's becoming recognized as a profitable means of combating deforestation. As of 2012 support for moringa farmers is being offered by the Honduran federal government through the Secretary of Agriculture and by private foreign investment firms. The plant's market potential is widespread given its easy growth and high nutrient content. As described below, the plant is valued for its leaves and high-protein seeds. It can also be made into defatted meal. Moringa oleifera silviculture is being promoted as a means to combat poverty and malnutrition.[5]
The moringa grows quickly in many types of environments. Much of the plant is edible by humans or by farm animals. The leaves contain all essential amino acids and are rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and minerals.[4] Feeding the high protein leaves to cattle has been shown to increase weight gain by up to 32% and milk production by 43 to 65%.[5] The seeds contain 30 to 40% oil that is high in oleic acid, while degreased meal is 61% protein.[6] The defatted meal is a flocculant and can be used in water purification to settle out sediments and undesirable organisms

Moringa Powder Effective Cure For Ulcerative Colitis

Moringa Powder Effective Cure For Ulcerative Colitis

A chronic, inflammatory & ulcerative disease arising in the colonic mucosa, characterized most often by bloody diarrhoea.

This is a serious inflammatory disease that seems to be autoimmune in nature, posing real challenges to any therapist, wether herbalist, homeopath or allopath. This is a true colitis in that there is active inflammation occurring. It usually presents as a series of attacks of bloody diarrhoea varying in intensity and duration. These will alternate with periods of no symptoms at all. Ulcerative colitis must be differentiated from infectious cause, as the symptoms of Shigella, Salmonella and a range of bacteria can be every similar. A history of recent travel or extensive anti-biotic use may be a clue.
CAUTION : blood in the stools is always a sign that must be investigated further by skilled diagnosticians.
Actions indicated for the processes behind this disease ~
Astringents may address the symptom picture of blood loss.
Demulcents may soothe the surface irritation.
Vulneraries will promote the healing of ulceration in the mucosal lining.

Moringa Tea has Anti-inflammatories that will help in the bodies attempt the get the inappropriate inflammatory reaction under control.

Carminatives may help ease the abdominal discomfort.
Anti-spasmodics will help ease the muscular cramping in the bowels which causes much of the pain.

Immune support is essential and must cover the whole range of issues involved.
Anti-microbials not only help with surface immunity but will deal with any secondary infection that might arise.
Elimination support must be given to the other organs of elimination.
Nervines will aid in the addressing of the psychological component of this condition.
System support 
Immune system issues, with all that implies, are crucial in ulcerative colitis. Obviously the digestive system needs much support and as do the other pathways of elimination. The toll taken by stress upon the nervous system may need attention. If liver involvement is suspected then give this vital organ much herbal support with hepatic plants such as Milk Thistle.

A regular intake of Dried Moringa tea  will help the rapid recovery of the damage system. Moringa is the perfect source of antioxidants that will sustain recovery of inflammation.

Broader context of treatment ~
Nutrition becomes a crucial issue in this condition as there will be some degree of malnutrition occurring. There are a number of contributing factors behind this nutritional deficit, each of which indicates a specific therapeutic response ~

o Decreased food intake
- disease induced because of pain, diarrhoea, nausea, anorexia
- iatrogenic because of therapeutic dietary restrictions
o Malabsorption- decreased absorptive surface due to disease or surgery
- bile salt deficiency following surgery
- bacterial flora overgrowth
- drugs such as corticosteroids, sulfasalazine, cholestyramine

Increased secretion and nutrient loss
- protein-losing enteropathy
- electrolyte, mineral and trace mineral loss in diarrhoea

o Increased utilization and increased requirements
- inflammation, fever, infection
- increased intestinal cell turnover
Moringa Tea has a good supply of multi-vitamin/mineral supplement helps recovery and healing.
 In the Textbook of Natural Medicine, Pizzorno & Murray recommend vitamin supplementation at least five times the RDA. Important minerals appear to be zinc, magnesium, iron where there is loss of blood via the gut, electrolyte replacement if there is much diarrhoea.
Initially the diet should avoid high fibre to minimize irritation of the inflamed mucosa, but as the symptoms are brought under control, a build up to a high fibre diet is beneficial. Lactobacillus rich yoghurt can be most helpful. It has been found that some people respond well to diets that limit the natural salicylate containing foods.
Moringa tea has high content of  Magnesium, Vitamin A, Vitamin E

Moringa Book

Moringa Book

Some call it a miracle.

Could it also be good science?

Ancient medicine claims that Moringa leaves prevent 300 diseases.
Anecdotal evidence and preliminary studies suggest that Moringa leaves could be a miracle cure for malnutrition.
The time has come to test these claims and share the results with the world.

Download Moringa Book on this page

Moringa’s High Content of Vitamin A Improves Vision

Moringa’s High Content of Vitamin A Improves Vision

Beta carotene is the nutrient which is needed for the proper vision mainly vision in dim light. This vitamin can be stored in the body as it is a fat soluble vitamin. Moringa is the richest source of  beta carotene can be supplemented to all age groups as beta carotene deficiency is common among all people.
Greater percentage of the people in the world is suffering from eye problem. It is becoming the common problem invariably for all age groups. This is due to the inadequate intake of beta carotene in the diet.  Beta carotene  is a fat soluble vitamin needed for clear vision.

Beta carotene is converted into retinol in the body and helps in vision in the dim light by activating the rod cells in the retina. Adequate supply of this beta carotene will improve the eye sight. Moringa contains beta carotene which can be supplemented regularly to prevent the occurrence of eye problem.

Untreated eye problem may even lead to the loss of eye sight. Moringa with its unbelievable properties contain 4 times the beta carotene content of carrots; make the body to get the nutrient sufficiently. Moringa contains the entire essential nutrient for the maintenance of the body function and thereby improving the health status of the individual.

Moringa is the richest source of iron, calcium, Beta carotene, potassium. It contains 90 + nutrients and 46 antioxidant content of the Moringa helps to prevent the formation of malignancy. beta carotene also helps to prevent cardio vascular problem and it plays a vital role against infection.

Though vitamin A can be supplemented parentally, regular intake of beta carotene rich food will be beneficial as it elevate the vitamin A level in the blood steadily. Vitamin A not only helps in vision, it also protects our body from infection.

Moringa leaf is dried carefully to prevent their nutrient loss and it is powdered. This will be providing all its beneficial properties. This product can be used even in off seasons. Regular consumption of Moringa is highly recommended.

How is Moringa Better than Other Nutritional Supplements

How is Moringa Better than Other Nutritional Supplements

The human body always knows to differentiate between a natural product and a Synthetic product. Most of the Multivitamin and Calcium supplements available in the market are made using Synthetic ingredients. The human body absorbs only a little lit bit of the nutrients supplied through the synthetic supplements. Whereas the Moringa leaves and pods are natural sources of Calcium and multivitamins and their processing method also enhances the bioavailability of the nutrients to the body.

Bioavailability of Whole Plant Minerals:
Calcium - Up to 8.79 times more bioavailable.
Chromium - Up to 25 times more bioavailable.
Copper - 1.85 time more retained in the liver.
Iron - 1.77 times more absorbed into blood.
Magnesium - Up to 2.20 times more bioavailable.
Manganese - 1.63 times more retained in the liver.
Molybdenum - 16.49 times more absorbed into blood.
Selenium - Up to 17.60 times the antioxidant effect.
Zinc - 6.46 times more absorbed into blood.

Moringa Combats Malnutrition

Moringa Combats Malnutrition

Malnutrition is a major factor in the often high rates of infant mortality in the tropics and sub-tropics. In the poorest countries, as many as one child in five will die during infancy. Worldwide it is estimated that seven million people die each year from hunger-related causes, and the vast majority of these deaths are caused by chronic undernutrition.
Considerable investments have been made by governments and aid agencies in programs designed to prevent malnutrition. Approaches have included school lunch programs, nutrition education, introducing exotic vegetables, and even campaigns to periodically give children massive doses of vitamin A. A major drawback to these approaches is the dependence on imported solutions and outside personnel, and progress can quickly dissipate once the program funding dries up.

Amazing Information about Moringa You Should Know!

Amazing Information about Moringa You Should Know!

Moringa oleifera is  promises relief from the devastating diseases and malfunctions that are so rampant in the third world communities such as:
  • Diabetes & Complications leading to Kidney Diseases
  • High Blood Pressure, Stroke and Heart Diseases
  • Obesity brought on by Malnutrition (overfed-undernourished)
  • Tumors & Cancer
  • Lupus, Arthritis & other Auto-Immune Diseases
  • Glaucoma – Blindness
  • Skin Diseases
  • Prostate Enlargement & Prostate Cancer
  • Hepatitis
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Additionally, Moringa has been shown to bring relief from the ravages of HIV and AIDS, malnutrition and diseases caused by bad water, bad food and environmental toxins.
Los Angeles Times -
"Scientifically speaking, Moringa sounds like magic. It can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and enable a malnourished mother to nurse her starving baby. Doctors use it to treat diabetes in West Africa and high blood pressure in India .... And it's not only good for you, it's delicious." - Los Angeles Times
From Osyris Uqoezwa -
Moringa Tea  is the powdered leaves of the Moringa Oleifera tree. These leaves are packed with powerful nutrition that everybody needs, especially children, mothers, students, and athletes. It provides such an impressive number of essential vitamins and minerals in high quantity that it is described as “the miracle tree” - especially high in Calcium, Iron, and Vitamin A. It also comes complete with high quality protein. Unlike most plant foods, nutritional analysis shows that Moringa is very high in protein and contains all of the essential amino acids. Moringa may provide the boost in energy, nutrition and health you are seeking.
Beyond providing a natural energy boost, people also report other desirable effects – including stronger immune system, improved skin condition, controlled blood pressure, relief from headaches and migraines, balanced blood sugar levels, reduced inflammation and arthritis pains, reduced tumor growth and healed ulcers.
But what makes Moringa tea exceptional is that every pack sold gets us a step closer to really making a difference in reversing malnutrition, here at home and in developing countries.
- Osyris Uqoezwa
- The Miracles of Moringa
Among the leafy vegetables, one stands out as particularly good, the horseradish (Moringa) tree. The leaves are outstanding as a source of vitamin A, and when raw, vitamin C. They are a good source of B vitamins and among the best plant sources of minerals. The calcium content is very high for a plant. Phosphorous is low, as it should be. The content of iron is very good (it is reportedly prescribed for anemia in the Philippines ). They are an excellent source of protein and a very low source of fat and carbohydrates. Thus, the leaves are on of the best plant foods that can be found. -
Dr. Frank L. Martin, in Survival and Subsistence in the Tropics
Moringa leaves could practically wipe out malnutrition on our planet! Experts agree that the long-term solution to malnutrition is the use of foods rich in the essential nutrients often lacking in people's diets. Modern scientific research is proving that Moringa leaves are one of the richest sources of such nutrients. Even small amounts of the leaves could protect thousands of people from suffering and death.
- Sanford Hoist
Moringa also has a well-documented detoxifying effect. Universities around the world have studied Moringa's ability to purify water--attaching itself to harmful material and bacteria, and allowing them to be expelled as waste. The evidence points to this same process going on inside your body. The result is long-lasting energy without hyperactivity...a nerve system at rest...a blood system not under pressure...a gland and hormone system in balance.

Moringa - The Natural cure for Diabetes

Moringa - The Natural cure for Diabetes

Diabetic mellitus is a syndrome characterized by disordered metabolism and abnormally high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia) resulting from insufficient levels of the hormone insulin.
The characteristic symptoms polyuria, polydipsia, glucoseuria, unexplained weight loss, and lethargy. There are two types of diabetes, diabetes I and diabetics II.
Diabetes I may also known as Insulin dependent diabetes where insulin therapy is needed as the beta cells cant synthesis insulin. Diabetes II may refer to as Insulin non dependent diabetics as insulin is produced by the body but in lower amount or it becomes insensitive to act on glucose. It is possible for us to treat diabetes II through proper dieting, medication and regular exercise. The food which is ingested is converted to glucose for the cell function.
Glucose cannot enter the cells alone. It needs assistance from insulin in order to penetrate the cell walls. Insulin therefore acts as a regulator of glucose metabolism in the body. If insulin is lacking or it becomes insensitive it will lead to diabetes.
Untreated diabetes will lead to complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, cardiovascular problems etc. Most of the people suffering from diabetes were unaware of the disease, when they recognized the disorder it becomes more complicated. A great way to get all of the important nutrients you need is to eat a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables, or to supplement the gaps in your diet with products that contain all of the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs to function properly.
The nutritional density and diversity of Moringa has deemed it the "Miracle Tree" or nature’s most nutritious food. The nutrients in this miracle from nature have been reported to treat over 300 different diseases and disorders of the body.
Moringa leaves have 4 times more Beta-Carotene than that of carrots, 17 times more calcium than that of milk and 25 times more iron than that of Spinach. Moringa Leaves and pods contain 90+ nutrients and 46 antioxidants.
Moringa leaves have more antioxidants than the green leaves. Moringa contains all the essential nutrients needed for the biochemical reaction to perform regularly. Researchers in London recently reported that vitamin D is essential for the islet cells in the pancreas to be able to secrete insulin properly.
The studies have shown that individuals with the lowest vitamin D levels experienced the worst blood sugar-handling problems and had a greater risk of developing diabetes. Moringa as a rich source of ascorbic acid helps in insulin secretion. It is interesting to note that certain nutrients like vitamins B1, B2, B12, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, protein and potassium - along with small frequent meals containing some carbohydrate - can actually stimulate production of insulin within the body. Vitamin A as an antioxidant helps convert beta-carotene efficiently, which reduces the risk of blindness in diabetics. Vitamin B 12 supplementation has been used successfully to treat diabetic neuropathy. High dose supplements of vitamin C have been shown to prevent sorbitol accumulation and glycosylation of proteins, both of which are important factors in the development of diabetic complications such as cataracts. Studies have shown that a low vitamin-E concentration was associated with a 3.9 times greater risk of developing diabetes. Vitamin E reduces oxidative stress, thus improving membrane physical characteristics and related activities in glucose transport.
This antioxidant promotes healing of diabetes-related lesions. Magnesium helps in the metabolism of glycogen, Mg works closely with vitamin B 6 to help the metabolic process with in the cell. Moringa all these nutrient and helps the diabetic patient to control their blood glucose level.

Moringa's Universal Benefits

Moringa's Universal Benefits

Athletes and Sportsmen
Athletes and Sportsmen are considered to be the elite crowd of people, who always strive to stay fit and outperform competition. Constant Practice is the only know secret for their success. But the unknown secret behind their success is proper nutrition. Moringa, known as the most nutritive plant ever discovered by mankind, provide the body with all the essential Vitamins, minerals and Protein and helps them in various ways as mentioned here.
Improves Strength:
Human body has the ability to differentiate between natural nutritional supplements and the synthetic ones. Moringa Tea, being packed with pure Moringa Powder, provides the body with 100% natural Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Iron and many other nutrients. These nutrients are readily bio-available and helps to boost energy instantly. Whereas, in case of synthetic supplements, the entire contents are not absorbed by the body and hence they are known to cause many side effects.
Improves Endurance:
Moringa, with its high Vitamin A and Vitamin C contents, combines with it’s extraordinary Iron content (25 times more Iron than that of Spinach), helps to improve the hemoglobin content of the blood. This in turn helps the blood to deliver more oxygen to the muscles during aerobic endurance exercises. The increased Oxygen carried by the blood also helps to increase the metabolic rate and assists in burning unwanted fat deposited in the body.
Free radicals are atoms that exists in the human body and they constantly attack other healthy body cells to get free electrons. This process results in aging and body weakness. Anti-oxidants supply the free atoms needed by the human body and mitigate the effect of free radicals. Moringa has approximately 46 antioxidants and is one of the most powerful source of natural anti-oxidants.

Additionally, Vitamin C & Vitamin E function as anti-oxidants, important for preventing oxidative damage to cellular and subcellular structure and function during excercise training, theoretically optimizing performance for competition.
Apart from this Moringa, with 17 times More Calcium than that of Milk helps to build stronger bones and also to improve the overall metabollic activities of the body.

Working Professionals
Today’s corporate world has become more demanding and people have to stretch out extra to prove their competence. Stress and Tension have become a part of the corporate world and they both laid the foundation for so many disease including Diabetes, Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular diseases. Moringa can provide you with the benefits of Moringa to improve your body health in the following ways.
Free Radicals:
Researches convey that Stress is a cause of increased Free radicals generation in the body. Free radicals constantly attacks other cells in the body to get an extra electron. The increase in the rate of this process will lead to ageing and other heart diseases. Anti-oxidants are the elements that provide the body with free atoms and helps to reduce the effect of free radicals. Moringa , with more than 40 anti-oxidants, present in it helps to provide the body with free electrons and thus helps in delaying the aging process and protects the body from heart diseases. The high Vitamin A and Vitamin C content present in Moringa, explains the reasons for it’s antioxidant property.
Clarity of Eyesight:
The corporate guys spends most part of their time either in front of computers or referring to files. This increased stress on the eyes requires extra nutrients for the eyes to maintain the clarity of vision. The power of our eyesight is directly related to supply of Vitamin A to the body. If our daily diet lacks enough Vitamin A, our eyes lacks the vital nutrition and this leads to reduced eye sight. Moringa, which has 10 times, more Vitamin A, than that of carrots, helps people to have a better eye sight.
Mental Alertness:
Moringa, with 10 times more Beta-carotene, than that of Carrots and 25 times more Iron, than that of Spinach and rich in Vitamin E, improves the Oxygen absorption ability of the blood by increasing its hemoglobin content. As the Oxygen supplies to the brain increases, the functionality of the brain is stimulated and the mental clarity improves. Apart from this, the overall metabolic activities and the digestion rate of the body will also be improved.
General Weakness:
Prolonged working hours generally weakens the body. Moringa, which is considered to be the most nutrient plant, ever discovered by mankind, can filled the nutrient starved body with Vitamins , Minerals and Protein. The major difference between other synthetic nutritional supplements available in the market and Moringa is that, Moringa is a 100% natural product and hence all the vitamins, antioxidants, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium and other minerals present in Moringa will be readily absorbed by the human body.

Lactating Mother
At times, researchers of Moringa wonder whether God has created this “Miracle Tree” just to serve the lactating mothers. Lactating mothers generally requires a lot of nutrients than a normal person and Moringa Leaves and Pods seems to provides most of the required Vitamins, minerals, proteins, carotenoids and carbohydrates as a package. Moringa with 17 times more calcium than that of milk and the high Vitamin A content, not only helps to increase the quantity of milk secreted by the lactating women but also to improve the quality of the milk generated. Mothers who regularly consume Moringa will have a better nutrition profile and the milk secreted by them will be filled with more nutrients.
Apart from the extraordinarily high Iron content of Moringa, combined with its high Betacarotene contents helps to improve the hemoglobin content of blood. Increased hemoglobin also serves to improve the Oxygen absorption ability of the blood, and results in overall improvement of the metabolic activities of the body. Increased hemoglobin content, also serves to improve the immune system of the body.

Middle Age Women
Generally people in their 40s and 50s , especially women, needs a lot of vitamins and minerals for performing the normal functionalities of the body. Middle aged women suffers a lot of health disorders due to the physiological and enzymatic changes in the body. Moringa helps them in many ways and aids them in crossing this stage with ease and joy.
Menopause is a crucial stage in every woman’s life. Though it is a painful stage, they can overcome the symptoms of menopause with the help of proper nutrients. A well balanced nutritional supplement is essential during the menopause, as it enables the body to adjust automatically to the hormonal changes, naturally maintaining Oestrogen from the adrenal glands and fat deposits. During Menopause, the body needs extra Iron and Calcium to compensate for the blood bleeding. Because of the irregular blood flow and hormonal changes, women feel tiered and at times stressful. Moringa leaf Powder, with 17 times more calcium than that of Milk and 10 times more Vitamin A than that of Carrots, helps to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
The high Vitamin C content of Moringa is known for it’s effect on the immune system and it also strengthens the blood vessels. The Bio-flavonoids such as Quercetin, present in Moringa Leaf powder, is believed to reduce the hot flushes. The high Vitamin E content, present in Moringa, is also helpful for Vaginal dryness and one study showed that just 400IU of Vitamin E taken per day for between 1 and 4 months helped women.
Bone Strength:
Menopause leaves women with weakened bones and renders them highly susceptible for Osteoporosis. If the body lacks the suggested Daily Intake value of Calcium, the body absorbs calcium from the bones and teeth. This makes the bones still weaker. Moringa with it’s high Calcium content, comes as a solution for this problem. Since the Calcium present in Moringa is 100% obtained from the natural source, this is readily absorbed by the body. The high Magnesium content present in Moringa is an important mineral for bones in the post-menopause stage. Magnesium, also known as “Tranquillizer”, will help with symptoms such as Anxiety, irritability and other mood swings.
Researches are constantly insisting that one of the major causes for depression is the lack of proper nutrients in the diet. The nutrients imbalance is believed to trigger hormonal imbalances and that would lead to depression. Depression is becoming common among American women and women in their 30 and 40 are highly prone to depression and sleeping disorders. Depression can be cured most times with the proper supply of nutrients to the body. Incidentally, Moringa, which is packed with Vitamin A, B, C, E , Calcium, Potassium, numerous flavonoids and nutrients, when taken regularly, not only helps people to overcome depression but also to lead a healthy life style. Moringa takes the pride in serving the most nutrient plant on the earth in the purest form.

 Senior Citizens
Moringa, being packed with Vitamins and Minerals, acts as nutrient power house for the seniors, who would lack the necessary nutrients in their regular diet. The rising health insurance also mandates us to stay fit and healthy. Moringa capsules, differs from other synthetic calcium in vitamin supplements , in their bio-availability. Since Moringa capsules are 100% natural product, they are readily absorbed by the body when compared to it’s synthetic counter parts. Moringa address the problems of the senior citizens in the following ways.
Human body needs Calcium for it’s normal functioning. Generally for people in their fifties, if enough Calcium is not available in their diet, the body absorbs the calcium from their bones and thus rendering bones weak and this leads to the condition Osteoporosis.
The high calcium content present in Moringa, supplies the calcium needed by the body and helps to maintain healthier bones.
Clarity of Eyesight:
The power of our eyesight is directly related to supply of Vitamin A to the body. If our daily diet lacks enough Vitamin A, our eyes lacks the vital nutrition and this leads to reduced eye sight. Moringa, which has 10 times, more Vitamin A, than that of carrots, helps people to have a better eye sight.
Immune System:
The aging of human body is always associated with weakening of the immune system and thus leaving the body susceptible to various germs which were blocked by the strong immune system. Moringa, with 25 times more Iron content, than that of Spinach, combines with it’s high Beta-Carotene content, helps to improve the hemoglobin levels in the blood, which would inturn strengthens the immune system.
Mental Clarity:
Moringa, with 10 times more Beta-carotene, than that of Carrots and 25 times more Iron, than that of Spinach, improves the Oxygen absorption ability of the blood by increasing it’s hemoglobin content. As the Oxygen supplies to the brain increases, the functionality of the brain is stimulated and the mental clarity improves. Apart from this, the overall metabolic activities and the digestion rate of the body will be improved.

Moringa - The Best Breast Feeding Supplement

Moringa - The Best Breast Feeding Supplement

A galactogogue is a substance which is used to increase the production of milk in humans and other animals. It may be synthetic, plant-derived, or endogenous. Moringa acts as galactogogues and increases the milk production.
Many people across the world are learning about the enormous health benefits of Moringa. Moringa is a fast growing tree that produces leaves and fruit pods that are consumed as a highly nutritious food. The nutritional density and diversity of Moringa has deemed it the "Miracle Tree" or nature's most nutritious food. The nutrients in this miracle from nature have been reported to treat over 300 different diseases and disorders of the body.

Aside from the obvious health benefits exhibited by Moringa, mothers around the world have been using it obscurely as a natural way to increase breast milk. The natural constituents of Moringa leaves and fruit pods are nature's answer to helping mothers produce copious amounts of highly nutritious milk for their infants. The term given an herb or food that increases the flow or production of breast milk is galactogogue.

Moringa has been clinically proven to increase the production of breast milk whether it is consumed before or after the birth of a baby. Mothers who took Moringa were shown to produce more than 2x the amount of breast milk than those who didn't. We all know instinctively that breast milk is the ultimate food prescribed by nature for the infant child and Moringa can be instrumental in helping mothers produce more of this precious food.

The health benefits of Moringa are legendary and it would not be hard to figure that it could be an important step for any potential mother to consider taking Moringa to supplement their nutritional needs thus passing on to the growing fetus critical nutrients that are vital to a healthy baby at delivery. The importance of certain nutrients during the gestation period (notably folic acid for the prevention of spina bifida) solidifies the need for a food supplement that gives the body a complete array of nutrients in a safe bio-available form. Also mothers who took Moringa during pregnancy have experienced being able to produce milk much quicker after delivery verses those mothers who didn't. It's very important for the newborn to get vital nutrients such as good fats (DHA and EPA) for brain development, immune system protectors, digestible protein, the amino acids argenine and histidine plus many others as soon as possible to start the process of total body development. Nothing is better at supplying those nutrients than breast milk fortified from a mother taking Moringa.

Babies that are breastfed have been proven by research to be far healthier across all spectrums because breast milk offers all the nutrients their growing bodies need during the first 6 months. Breastfed babies have much improved immune systems, less allergies, better digestion, greater intelligence and the list goes on and on. Why wouldn't any mother or mother to be, want to give their bundle of joy the absolute best that they can give, even if it meant having to use a breast pump and storing the breast milk in the fridge for later use? The use of Moringa by the mother would create the ultimate breast milk made even more nutritious by the vast array of vital nutrients naturally available to the mother. To put it simply, if the mother is granted better health by ingesting Moringa ,all of her healthy benefits are passed on to the baby for a future of better health.

Moringa leaves and fruit pods are truly nature's greatest compilation of vital nutrients for total body health. It is a virtual panacea of health benefits unmatched by any herbal or food supplement that I have seen in over 30 years of studying natural medicine (for my own health). Moringa's universal application, efficacy, low price and safety makes it the most perfect food supplement for the youngest to the most senior citizen. 

 More Information Here

Amazing Information about Moringa You Should Know!

Amazing Information about Moringa You Should Know!

Moringa oleifera is  promises relief from the devastating diseases and malfunctions that are so rampant in the third world communities such as:
  • Diabetes & Complications leading to Kidney Diseases
  • High Blood Pressure, Stroke and Heart Diseases
  • Obesity brought on by Malnutrition (overfed-undernourished)
  • Tumors & Cancer
  • Lupus, Arthritis & other Auto-Immune Diseases
  • Glaucoma – Blindness
  • Skin Diseases
  • Prostate Enlargement & Prostate Cancer
  • Hepatitis
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Additionally, Moringa has been shown to bring relief from the ravages of HIV and AIDS, malnutrition and diseases caused by bad water, bad food and environmental toxins.
Los Angeles Times -
"Scientifically speaking, Moringa sounds like magic. It can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and enable a malnourished mother to nurse her starving baby. Doctors use it to treat diabetes in West Africa and high blood pressure in India .... And it's not only good for you, it's delicious." - Los Angeles Times
From Osyris Uqoezwa -
Moringa Tea  is the powdered leaves of the Moringa Oleifera tree. These leaves are packed with powerful nutrition that everybody needs, especially children, mothers, students, and athletes. It provides such an impressive number of essential vitamins and minerals in high quantity that it is described as “the miracle tree” - especially high in Calcium, Iron, and Vitamin A. It also comes complete with high quality protein. Unlike most plant foods, nutritional analysis shows that Moringa is very high in protein and contains all of the essential amino acids. Moringa may provide the boost in energy, nutrition and health you are seeking.
Beyond providing a natural energy boost, people also report other desirable effects – including stronger immune system, improved skin condition, controlled blood pressure, relief from headaches and migraines, balanced blood sugar levels, reduced inflammation and arthritis pains, reduced tumor growth and healed ulcers.
But what makes Moringa tea exceptional is that every pack sold gets us a step closer to really making a difference in reversing malnutrition, here at home and in developing countries.
- Osyris Uqoezwa
- The Miracles of Moringa
Among the leafy vegetables, one stands out as particularly good, the horseradish (Moringa) tree. The leaves are outstanding as a source of vitamin A, and when raw, vitamin C. They are a good source of B vitamins and among the best plant sources of minerals. The calcium content is very high for a plant. Phosphorous is low, as it should be. The content of iron is very good (it is reportedly prescribed for anemia in the Philippines ). They are an excellent source of protein and a very low source of fat and carbohydrates. Thus, the leaves are on of the best plant foods that can be found. -
Dr. Frank L. Martin, in Survival and Subsistence in the Tropics
Moringa leaves could practically wipe out malnutrition on our planet! Experts agree that the long-term solution to malnutrition is the use of foods rich in the essential nutrients often lacking in people's diets. Modern scientific research is proving that Moringa leaves are one of the richest sources of such nutrients. Even small amounts of the leaves could protect thousands of people from suffering and death.
- Sanford Hoist
Moringa also has a well-documented detoxifying effect. Universities around the world have studied Moringa's ability to purify water--attaching itself to harmful material and bacteria, and allowing them to be expelled as waste. The evidence points to this same process going on inside your body. The result is long-lasting energy without hyperactivity...a nerve system at rest...a blood system not under pressure...a gland and hormone system in balance.


Moringa Oleifera: The Miracle Tree

Moringa Oleifera: The Miracle Tree

Imagine a tree in your backyard that will meet all your nutritional needs, take care of you medicinally, and purify your water for you. This tree actually exists. For centuries, the natives of northern India and many parts of Africa have known of the many benefits of Moringa oleifera. Its uses are as unique as the names it is known by, such as clarifier tree, horseradish tree and drumstick tree (referring to the large drumstick shaped pods) and in East Africa it is called "mother's best friend”. Virtually every part of the tree can be used. Native only to the foothills of the Himalayas, it is now widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia and the Philippines. This tree, though little known in the Western world, is nutritional dynamite. There are literally hundreds of uses for this tree.

The immature pods are the most valued and widely used of all the tree parts. The pods are extremely nutritious, containing all the essential amino acids along with many vitamins and other nutrients. The immature pod can be eaten raw or prepared like green peas or green beans, while the mature pods are usually fried and possess a peanut-like flavor. The pods also yield 38 - 40% of non-drying, edible oil known as Ben Oil. This oil is clear, sweet and odorless, and never becomes rancid. Overall, its nutritional value most closely resembles olive oil. The thickened root is used as a substitute for horseradish although this is now discouraged as it contains alkaloids, especially moriginine, and a bacteriocide, spirochin, both of which can prove fatal following ingestion. The leaves are eaten as greens, in salads, in vegetable curries, as pickles and for seasoning. They can be pounded up and used for scrubbing utensils and for cleaning walls. Leaves and young branches are relished by livestock. The Bark can be used for tanning and also yields a coarse fiber. The flowers, which must be cooked, are eaten either mixed with other foods or fried in batter and have been shown to be rich in potassium and calcium.

In developing tropical countries, Moringa trees have been used to combat malnutrition, especially among infants and nursing mothers. Three non-governmental organizations in particular - Trees for Life, Church World Service and Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization - advocate Moringa as “natural nutrition for the tropics.” Leaves can be eaten fresh, cooked, or stored as dried powder for many months without refrigeration, and without loss of nutritional value. Moringa is especially promising as a food source in the tropics because the tree is in full leaf at the end of the dry season when other foods are typically scarce. Analyses of the leaf composition have revealed them to have significant quantities of vitamins A, B and C, calcium, iron and protein. According to Optima of Africa, Ltd., a group that has been working with the tree in Tanzania, "25 grams daily of Moringa Leaf Powder will give a child" the following recommended daily allowances:

Protein 42%, Calcium 125%, Magnesium 61%, Potassium 41%, Iron 71%, Vitamin A 272%, and Vitamin C 22%. These numbers are particularly astounding; considering this nutrition is available when other food sources may be scarce.

Scientific research confirms that these humble leaves are a powerhouse of nutritional value. Gram for gram, Moringa leaves contain: SEVEN times the vitamin C in oranges, FOUR times the Calcium in milk, FOUR times the vitamin A in carrots, TWO times the protein in milk and THREE times the Potassium in bananas.

The Moringa tree has great use medicinally both as preventative and treatment. Much of the evidence is anecdotal as there has been little actual scientific research done to support these claims. India's ancient tradition of ayurveda says the leaves of the Moringa tree prevent 300 diseases. One area in which there has been significant scientific research is the reported antibiotic activity of this tree.

This is clearly the area in which the preponderance of evidence - both classical scientific and anecdotal evidence - is overwhelming. The scientific evidence has now been available for over 50 years, although much of it is completely unknown to western scientists. In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s a team from India identified a compound they called pterygospermin. This group was also able to demonstrate its mode of antimicrobial action in the mid 1950’s. Field reports and ecological studies form part of a rich traditional medicine history claiming efficacy of leaf, seed, root, bark, and flowers against a variety of dermal and internal infections. In 1964 other active compounds were isolated and tested in-vitro, and these studies, along with observational studies provide a very plausible mechanism of action for the centuries of claims of efficacy. Unfortunately, because many of the reports of antibiotic efficacy in humans are not supported by placebo controlled, randomized clinical trials, Western medical prejudice leaves the Western world ignorant of Moringa’s antibiotic properties.

Another area of folklore which research supports is in cancer treatment. Moringa species have long been recognized by folk medicine practitioners as having value in the treatment of tumors. Studies examined certain compounds for their cancer preventive potential. Recently two of these compounds were shown to be potent inhibitors of activation of lymphoblastoid (Burkitt’s lymphoma) cells. One of these compounds also inhibited tumors in mice bred to be prone to tumors. In another study, Bharali and colleagues examined skin tumor prevention following ingestion of drumstick (Moringa seedpod) extracts. In this mouse model, which included appropriate positive and negative controls, a dramatic reduction in skin tumors was demonstrated. More rigorous study is required in order to achieve a level of proof required for full medical endorsement of Moringa as, in this case, a cancer preventative plant.

After the oil is extracted from the pods, the seed-cake remaining contains the active components for removing turbidity (solid particles) from water. Because bacteria adhere to the solids, this seed-cake also effectively removes bacteria. At the Thyolo Water Treatment Works in Malawi, Africa, two researchers from the University of Leicester, England, have worked on substituting moringa seeds for alum to remove solids in water for drinking. Not only were the tests successful in removing as much solid material as alum, but the seeds used were "purchased from enthusiastic villagers in Nsanje Region in Malawi" (Folkard and Sutherland, 1996. Not only is Moringa oleifera as effective as aluminum sulphate (alum) in removing suspended solids from turbid water, it has a major advantage. Because it can be produced locally, "using Moringa rather than alum would save foreign exchange and generate farm and employment income." The potential for Moringa to create a new market for a community is there, and studies and projects are taking place examining this potential. Use of this natural substance would also remove a source of aluminum contamination.

This tree is truly a “miracle” tree offering hope; nutritionally, medicinally and economically to devastatingly poor 3rd world countries. It has just recently begun being used as a supplement in a juice form and in powdered leaf tablets.


Ramachandran,C., Peter,K.V. and Gopalakrishnan,P.K., 1980, Drumstick (Moringa oleifera): A multipurpose Indian Vegetable. Economic Botany, 34 (3) pp276-283.

Moringa Sounds Like Magic

Moringa Sounds Like Magic

Scientifically speaking, Moringa sounds like magic. It can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and enable a malnourished mother to nurse her starving baby. Ounce for ounce, it has the calcium of four glasses of milk, the Vitamin C of seven oranges and the potassium of three bananas. Sounds like your Power Bar, you say? Well, consider this: A dash of Moringa can make dirty water drinkable. Doctors use it to treat diabetes in West Africa and high blood pressure in India. Not only can it staunch a skin infection, Moringa makes an efficient fuel, fertilizer and livestock feed.Memo to Popeye: Moringa has triple the iron of spinach and more impressive attributes than olive oil. Itís not only good for you, itís delicious. You can cook Moringa in Moringa oil and top it with Moringa sauce and still taste a spectrum of flavors.And itís a cheap enough to grow on trees. Which is what Moringa oleifera is: A tree, with a gnarly trunk and tousled head of foliage that make it look like a cypress that just rolled out of bed. It is a common tree that thrives in both the desert and the living room and produces leaves, pods, seeds and flowers that each do uncommon things.ìItís a remarkable tree,î said Lowell Fuglie, West Africa director for Church World Service, the relief arm of the National Council of Churches. ìAmong academics, the properties have been known for years. We decided to put it to the test.îThe organization recently convinced the nation of Senegal to promote Moringa as part of the national diet. This came after a two-year pilot project in the hardscrabble villages in the Senegalese southwest, where Moringa grows wild.Plantís Following Begins to Build Fuglie found ground Moringa leaves to be more readily embraced by rural villagers that other dietary aids, plus four times as effective. ìI couldnít believe what was happening,î he said. Malnutrition causes high infant mortality and a staggering array of health problems among an estimated 1 billion people. Though experts doubt a single food source can be a silver bullet in the war on hunger, Moringa has built an increasingly larger following in the last two years. More people are noticing that the plant is a proven water purifier with remarkable nutritional and medicinal properties that just happens to thrive in places where bad water, poor diets and the diseases they promote are leading killers.Scientists who study this gifted bit of flora also consider it an outstanding example of what has been lost in many other plants and animals: a genetic versatility bred away by huge agribusinesses.Many argue that a lack of genetic variation in the food we eat makes specific strains more susceptible to getting wiped out by a single pest, pathogen or climatological change. In 1970, 15% of the U.S. corn crop was destroyed when blight swept the grain belt. In the med-19th century, the Irish potato crop crashed, causing famine that killed a million people. The reason? Dominant plant varieties were too genetically alike and therefore vulnerable to the same enemy.ìThere are probably a lot of plants [other than Moringa] that have the same benefits,î said Barbara Schaal, an expert on evolutionary plant genetics at Washington University in St. Louis. ìThatís why itís so important to preserve natural biodiversity. Corn and soybean, all of these things have incredible potential. But weíve lost a lot of their wild relatives.îAt the same time, herb-happy consumers are gobbling up candy-coated nutrient bars crammed with everything from pine bark to bioflavonoids. Yet Moringa is a reminder of what nature can do. Here are some examples of how the plant is picking up a devoted following: The National Science Foundation, National Geographic Society and the Andrew Mellon Foundation are financing a scientistís hair-raising attempts to collect the worldís 13 Moringa species. Both Moringa and the common carrot are diamonds in the roughage department, but Moringa has quadruple the beta carotene, which is good for the eyes and effective against cancer. The Bethesda, MD.-based International Eye Foundation is using Moringa in Malawi because itís loaded with Vitamin A, the lack of which causes 70% of childhood blindness. Wichita, Kan.-based Trees for Life, which has been planting food-bearing trees in impoverished places since 1984, is running Moringa cultivation programs in India after convincing a town of 40,000 to make the tree a structured part of the local diet. Britainís University of Leicester is studying the coagulating properties of the seeds in those tasty Moringa pods, which researchers believe work better than the common water purifier aluminum sulfate, which can be toxic. The school weaned a Malawi village off imported alum by building a simpler Moringa-based system. Hospitalized for prostate surgery in December, former United Nations ambassador and ex0Atlanta mayor Andrew Young told people not to send flowers, but buy Moringa seedlings for the malnourished. Young is the new president of the National Council of Churches.The interest in Moringa is growing in a field filled with conflicting theories about fighting hunger. Several relief organizations asked to comment on the tree had never heard of it. Some were leery of anything that sounded like an easy fix to a complex problem.ìYouíd think Monsanto or somebody would have patented it by now,î joked Ian Bray, spokesman for the relief group Oxfam of Great Britain, when asked about Moringa. ìWeíve been looking for silver bullets for so long I think they donít exist.î Steve Hansch, research coordinator for the congressional Hunger Center in Washington, said he was annoyed that a November article in Monday Developments, a newsletter of the U.S. humanitarian community, touted the plant and Senegal effort without explaining hungerís complexities. ìA tree is not going to be a single intervention,î he said. ìThere are thousands of ways to treat malnutrition. If we can convince people in developing countries to eat any leafy green vegetable, if we can convince women to take iron supplements, weíve accomplished a lot. Itís not like we lack food for people to consume.î The fact that Moringa is a known quantity in much of the developing world is the key to its potential, Fuglie insisted. Moringa leaves already are used in Senegal to make a sauce. Some Nile River villages discovered its effectiveness as a water purifier. Nigerians use crushed leaves to clean cooking utensils and the wood yields a common blue dye in Jamaica. The seed oil is used for cooking and, because it wonít spoil, as a preservative and even machinery lubricant. The plant crops up elsewhere as an animal feed, plant fertilizer, fence post, stationery and oil paint.American stores specializing in Indian cuisine sell pickled Moringa pods as ìdrumsticks.î In some places, Moringa lives a sort of Clark Kent existence as a mere ornamental. Jim Johnson, head of a Mississippi seed company, Seedman.com,, began selling Moringa seeds several years ago after a Brazilian grower sent him samples. ìIt conforms its size and shape to whatever container itís in. Weíve sold thousands,î he said, expressing surprise at Moringaís other attributes.Ubiquitous though it is, Moringa advocates say the tree is only an occasional food source in the places where it grows, and that much of its nutritional value is boiled away.In a 65-page book on the National Council of Churchís pilot project in Senegal, Fuglie described the willingness of a hospital administrator to substitute Moringa for the classical, and costly, methods of using whole milk powder, vegetable oil and sugar to treat malnutrition. The official, a diabetic had been drinking Moringa tea to control his glucose for years, but had been unaware of its nutritional propertiesA star of the project was Awa Diedhou, an infant born weighing 3 pounds, 5 ounces. Her mother couldnít produce sufficient milk and the child was given little chance to survive. On a Moringa-supplemented diet, the child quickly grew ìquite fat,î Fuglie said, and the mother began producing milk.Beri beri, rickets and scurvy are among the diseases caused by the lack of nutrients that are abundant in Moringa. Three spoonfuls of Moringa leaf powder contain 272% of a typical toddlerís daily Vitamin A requirement, along with 42% of the protein, 125% of the calcium,, 71% of the iron and 22% of the Vitamin C. It contains a full complement of minerals and all the amino acids of meat.Some people find its water-purifying powers most compelling. Lack of drinkable water is, arguably, the worldís biggest health threat. Pressed Moringa seeds can turn a tumbler bacteria-laced river muck into clean water more economically than imported chemicals, researchers say.ìWith all these advantages, what are we waiting for?î University of Leicester scientist Ben Bazeley wrote last year in The Rotarian magazine. Rotary Clubs are sponsoring Moringa projects in Brazil and Zimbabwe.Its medicinal qualities also are tantalizing. The seeds and roots contain an antibiotic that Guatemalaís University of San Carlos found to be as effective against skin infections as neomycin. In recent years, studies published in the journal Phytotherapy Research and HortScience have found different Moringa parts to be effective in lowering blood sugar, reducing swelling, healing gastric ulcers, lowering blood pressure and even calming the nervous system.Moringa is also very rugged for something that sprouts flowers. A seed or cut branch can grow into a 15 foot tree in a year. A giant tap root lets the plant soldier through Saharan-scale droughts and withstand overly acidic, alkaline or salty soil. Though Moringa oleifera is most common, there are a dozen other known species within the genus, which means they share the same underlying biochemical structure. Moringa plays a blue fungus in Madagascar, green cactuses in Mexico and a bulbous bottle tree in Oman.It has hundreds of names: the Benzolive tree of Haiti, the Malunggay of the Philippines, even the horseradish tree of Florida because the roots taste like the condiment. But the root bark is toxic and the root meat contains a nerve paralyzer. Moringa bark is sometimes used to induce abortions in India, sometimes killing women in the process.Mark Olson, a Washington University doctoral candidate in evolutionary botany, has spent the last five years scouring some of the worldís deadliest shrubbery in a hunt for every species. Trip to Unstable Somalia Pays OffHeís found 12, and he suspects the 13th may be extinct. Each are found in dry, remote tropical areas that often feature a ware of some kind. ìPracticallyh nothing is known about them, and I quickly found out why,î said Olson.Particularly hairy was a 1998 hunt for a species that hadnít been recorded in 30 years. Olson and a band of armed bodyguards had to forage through the plantís likeliest habitat: perennially unstable Somalia. The risk was worth it. Out in the scrub of the arid landscape, Olson found his missing Moringa. It was laden with pods that looked like 3-foot-long string beans. ìThe local people used them for everything,î said Olson. ìItís one of the most useful trees in the world.îTime will tell if Moringa makes its way to American supermarkets, where everything from ginkgo biloba to green algae can be found crammed into artificially flavored chocolate bars.Olson, whose field work was recently featured in National Geographic magazine, has become a human clearinghouse of all things Moringa. He said heís seen a big jump in entrepreneurial inquiries in the last year.ìI get e-mails from businessmen in China who are growing huge crops of this to make money,î he said. ìThereís a huge amount of interest

Living Longer and Healthy with Moringa

Living Longer and Healthy with Moringa

Malunggay (Sajina or Moringa) plant grows in the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and other regions of the Far East. The plant is sometimes referred to as nature's medicine cabinet and a miracle vegetable or horseradish tree for its root taste. The plant grows in hot tropical climates, deserts and living rooms. Moringa has sprouts of flowers, appear eight months during the year. These flowers are edible when cooked (taste like mushrooms) or used to make tea, containing calcium and potassium. A seed or cut branch can grow into a fifteen - foot tree in a year. The rugged plant can grow in drought conditions, and withstand overly acidic, alkaline, and salty soil.

The dozen known species of Malunggay has different known characteristics, grown in different parts of the world. In Madagascar Moringa has blue fungus, grown in Mexico has green cactuses, and in Oman appears as bubous tree. The bark of the tree sometimes used to make mats and rope. The leaves taste like spinach (Contains three times the iron of spinach. Also, a Moringa dried leaf has over ten times more nutrients than a fresh Moringa leaf, confirmed by universities and independent research laboratory analyses.), and its fruit produces a vegetable, like asparagus. Both contain Vitamin C (seven times more than found in oranges) and other minerals. Sajina contains seven times the amount of Vitamin C found in oranges, four times as much calcium as milk (A substitute for whole milk powder.) and three times the potassium of bananas. Moringa has quadruple amount of beta Carotene found in carrots, which is good for eyesight, and effective against treating cancer.

Why is Dried Moringa the Best?

Why is Dried Moringa the Best?

Within 6 hours after being picked off the plant, the Moringa leaves begin to loose their precious vitamins and Mineral value. This is why the preparation and process is vital to you and how you consume  Moringa Tea The two best ways to preserve Moringa’s vitamin value is to either Freeze them or Freeze dry them.
Dried Moringa - Less Expensive and Easy to Use
The easiest most effective way to take advantage of Moringa is to take an easy to use dietary supplement called Moringa Tea. Moringa Tea use dried Leaf   to preserve its powerful characteristics, giving you all the benefits of eating moringa right off the plant. This incredible product can be taken with just 1 small teabag  a day, giving you 1,500 milligrams of 100% Pure Moringa Leaves, up to 10 times more than seen with overpriced multivitamins  products.

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The Power of Moringa

The Power of Moringa

Moringa is known by some as nature's energy Miracle Tree, a tree that is packed with so much nutrition that some call it one of the most powerful foods on the planet. The fruit is 100% natural. Moringa is a tree that is  filled with antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids.
The antioxidants that are in Moringa can reverse the signs of aging because they have ten times more antioxidants than red grapes and 30 times more than red wine. Moringa also heals and restores cardiovascular and digestive health as it is full of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols. It is also responsible for offering the minerals and essential amino acids that are essential for proper muscle contraction and regeneration. Celebrities have even attested to the wonders of this versatile fruit.
Moringa contains a fatty acid that is similar to the one in olive oil and is also rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. In case you are wondering why oleic acid is important, let me tell you why. It helps omega-3 fish oils penetrate the cell membrane which helps to make cell membranes suppler. Moringa will boost energy levels naturally, improve digestive functions, induce healthy and sound sleep, provide all of the vital vitamins that are necessary, and improve vision clarity.
Moringa is also a very powerful free radical fighter. It has high levels of fibers and cleanses infections within the body. It will regulate cholesterol levels, promote healthier and younger-looking skin, alleviate diabetes, fight cancerous cells, slow down the aging process, and will also enhance sexual desire and performance.
You can buy it in a powder form and make smoothie drinks too. If they are freeze dried, the berries have a very long life while still maintaining full nutritive value. Moringa is definitely a healing food and should be added to any diet to maintain optimum health.
For more information on the benefits of Moringa, as well as other natural health related topics,
 Moringa is labeled as the antioxidant superfood, it’s known for its substantially large amounts of antioxidants and nutritional value. Moringa has double the cancer-fighting power of blueberries, the formerly known antioxidant contest frontrunner. Consumption of the Moringa not only helps prevent and attack cancerous cells, but it is said to boost energy and overall immunity as well. Actually, the list of supposed and even validated benefits is virtually endless from improved digestion to better circulation, and even better sleep. It is based on these extraordinary characteristics that Moringa has been referred to as the most healthful tree in the world.
Moringa has also shown promises of preventing heart disease, as it has 10-30 times the amount of cardiovascular-fighting phytochemical called anthocyanin found in red wine. You may have heard of these phytochemicals from the French Paradox that enumerates the oddity of heart disease’s rare occurrence in France despite their high fat intake. The concept bears the phytochemicals in the red wine responsible for their continued health.
With all these benefits filling the air, the tree sounds perfect right? Well I'm not here to tell you that it isn't, but I am here to tell you to be cautious about how much Moringa you consume. There is such a thing as an antioxidant overdose that has adverse effects such as weakness, fever and toxicity. So, with a fruit so jam-packed with antioxidants, one must be careful. Experts suggest discussing with your doctor what your optimal dosage of antioxidants is.

What makes Moringa tea so special?

What makes Moringa tea so special?

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Lose weight & feel great with the world's #1 super food!
"One of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world!"
http://z.about.comIs any other food or drink reported to have as many health benefits as Moringa tea? The Indian have known about the medicinal benefits of moringa tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression.  One historian writer states that Moringa  tea has been used as a medicine in India for at least 4,000 years. 
Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking moringa tea. For example, in 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking moringa tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in moringa tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking moringa tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.
To sum up, here are just a few medical conditions in which drinking moringa  tea is reputed to be helpful:  cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol levels, cariovascular disease, , infection, impaired immune function
What makes Moringa tea so special? 
The secret of moringa tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots.  The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.
Links are being made between the effects of drinking moringa tea and the "French Paradox." For years, researchers were puzzled by the fact that, despite consuming a diet rich in fat, the French have a lower incidence of heart disease than Americans. The answer was found to lie in red wine, which contains resveratrol, a polyphenol that limits the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet.  In a 1997 study, researchers from the University of Kansas determined that EGCG is twice as powerful as resveratrol, which may explain why the rate of heart disease among Japanese men is quite low, even though approximately seventy-five percent are smokers.
Why don't other teas have similar health-giving properties? What sets moringa tea apart is the way it is processed.  Moringa tea leaves are freeze dried, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves, which results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various diseases. 
Other Benefits
New evidence is emerging that moringa tea can even help dieters.   In November, 1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published the results of a study at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.  Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and moringa  tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.
Moringa  tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that causes dental plaque. Meanwhile, skin preparations containing moringa tea - from deodorants to creams - are starting to appear on the market.
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I love this Business because it makes me what i am today. I am not a guru like many others with the same internet idea, but i love sharing my idea with you if you want. this site is just for you and make the best use of it to achieve your objectives. Visiting my site is Just too good for you ......Enjoy it.