Moringa Sounds Like Magic
Scientifically speaking, Moringa sounds like magic. It can rebuild weak
bones, enrich anemic blood and enable a malnourished mother to nurse her
starving baby. Ounce for ounce, it has the calcium of four glasses of
milk, the Vitamin C of seven oranges and the potassium of three bananas.
Sounds like your Power Bar, you say? Well, consider this: A dash of
Moringa can make dirty water drinkable. Doctors use it to treat diabetes
in West Africa and high blood pressure in India. Not only can it
staunch a skin infection, Moringa makes an efficient fuel, fertilizer
and livestock feed.Memo to Popeye: Moringa has triple the iron of
spinach and more impressive attributes than olive oil. Itís not only
good for you, itís delicious. You can cook Moringa in Moringa oil and
top it with Moringa sauce and still taste a spectrum of flavors.And itís
a cheap enough to grow on trees. Which is what Moringa oleifera is: A
tree, with a gnarly trunk and tousled head of foliage that make it look
like a cypress that just rolled out of bed. It is a common tree that
thrives in both the desert and the living room and produces leaves,
pods, seeds and flowers that each do uncommon things.ìItís a remarkable
tree,î said Lowell Fuglie, West Africa director for Church World
Service, the relief arm of the National Council of Churches. ìAmong
academics, the properties have been known for years. We decided to put
it to the test.îThe organization recently convinced the nation of
Senegal to promote Moringa as part of the national diet. This came
after a two-year pilot project in the hardscrabble villages in the
Senegalese southwest, where Moringa grows wild.Plantís Following Begins
to Build Fuglie found ground Moringa leaves to be more readily embraced
by rural villagers that other dietary aids, plus four times as
effective. ìI couldnít believe what was happening,î he said.
Malnutrition causes high infant mortality and a staggering array of
health problems among an estimated 1 billion people. Though experts
doubt a single food source can be a silver bullet in the war on hunger,
Moringa has built an increasingly larger following in the last two
years. More people are noticing that the plant is a proven water
purifier with remarkable nutritional and medicinal properties that just
happens to thrive in places where bad water, poor diets and the diseases
they promote are leading killers.Scientists who study this gifted bit
of flora also consider it an outstanding example of what has been lost
in many other plants and animals: a genetic versatility bred away by
huge agribusinesses.Many argue that a lack of genetic variation in the
food we eat makes specific strains more susceptible to getting wiped out
by a single pest, pathogen or climatological change. In 1970, 15% of
the U.S. corn crop was destroyed when blight swept the grain belt. In
the med-19th century, the Irish potato crop crashed, causing famine that
killed a million people. The reason? Dominant plant varieties were too
genetically alike and therefore vulnerable to the same enemy.ìThere are
probably a lot of plants [other than Moringa] that have the same
benefits,î said Barbara Schaal, an expert on evolutionary plant genetics
at Washington University in St. Louis. ìThatís why itís so important to
preserve natural biodiversity. Corn and soybean, all of these things
have incredible potential. But weíve lost a lot of their wild
relatives.îAt the same time, herb-happy consumers are gobbling up
candy-coated nutrient bars crammed with everything from pine bark to
bioflavonoids. Yet Moringa is a reminder of what nature can do.
Here are some examples of how the plant is picking up a devoted
following: The National Science Foundation, National Geographic
Society and the Andrew Mellon Foundation are financing a scientistís
hair-raising attempts to collect the worldís 13 Moringa species. Both
Moringa and the common carrot are diamonds in the roughage department,
but Moringa has quadruple the beta carotene, which is good for the eyes
and effective against cancer. The Bethesda, MD.-based International Eye
Foundation is using Moringa in Malawi because itís loaded with Vitamin
A, the lack of which causes 70% of childhood blindness. Wichita,
Kan.-based Trees for Life, which has been planting food-bearing trees in
impoverished places since 1984, is running Moringa cultivation programs
in India after convincing a town of 40,000 to make the tree a
structured part of the local diet. Britainís University of Leicester
is studying the coagulating properties of the seeds in those tasty
Moringa pods, which researchers believe work better than the common
water purifier aluminum sulfate, which can be toxic. The school weaned a
Malawi village off imported alum by building a simpler Moringa-based
system. Hospitalized for prostate surgery in December, former United
Nations ambassador and ex0Atlanta mayor Andrew Young told people not to
send flowers, but buy Moringa seedlings for the malnourished. Young is
the new president of the National Council of Churches.The interest in
Moringa is growing in a field filled with conflicting theories about
fighting hunger. Several relief organizations asked to comment on the
tree had never heard of it. Some were leery of anything that sounded
like an easy fix to a complex problem.ìYouíd think Monsanto or somebody
would have patented it by now,î joked Ian Bray, spokesman for the relief
group Oxfam of Great Britain, when asked about Moringa. ìWeíve been
looking for silver bullets for so long I think they donít exist.î
Steve Hansch, research coordinator for the congressional Hunger Center
in Washington, said he was annoyed that a November article in Monday
Developments, a newsletter of the U.S. humanitarian community, touted
the plant and Senegal effort without explaining hungerís complexities.
ìA tree is not going to be a single intervention,î he said. ìThere
are thousands of ways to treat malnutrition. If we can convince people
in developing countries to eat any leafy green vegetable, if we can
convince women to take iron supplements, weíve accomplished a lot. Itís
not like we lack food for people to consume.î The fact that Moringa
is a known quantity in much of the developing world is the key to its
potential, Fuglie insisted. Moringa leaves already are used in Senegal
to make a sauce. Some Nile River villages discovered its effectiveness
as a water purifier. Nigerians use crushed leaves to clean cooking
utensils and the wood yields a common blue dye in Jamaica. The seed oil
is used for cooking and, because it wonít spoil, as a preservative and
even machinery lubricant. The plant crops up elsewhere as an animal
feed, plant fertilizer, fence post, stationery and oil paint.American
stores specializing in Indian cuisine sell pickled Moringa pods as
ìdrumsticks.î In some places, Moringa lives a sort of Clark Kent
existence as a mere ornamental. Jim Johnson, head of a Mississippi
seed company,,, began selling Moringa seeds several years
ago after a Brazilian grower sent him samples. ìIt conforms its size and
shape to whatever container itís in. Weíve sold thousands,î he said,
expressing surprise at Moringaís other attributes.Ubiquitous though it
is, Moringa advocates say the tree is only an occasional food source in
the places where it grows, and that much of its nutritional value is
boiled away.In a 65-page book on the National Council of Churchís pilot
project in Senegal, Fuglie described the willingness of a hospital
administrator to substitute Moringa for the classical, and costly,
methods of using whole milk powder, vegetable oil and sugar to treat
malnutrition. The official, a diabetic had been drinking Moringa tea to
control his glucose for years, but had been unaware of its nutritional
propertiesA star of the project was Awa Diedhou, an infant born weighing
3 pounds, 5 ounces. Her mother couldnít produce sufficient milk and
the child was given little chance to survive. On a Moringa-supplemented
diet, the child quickly grew ìquite fat,î Fuglie said, and the mother
began producing milk.Beri beri, rickets and scurvy are among the
diseases caused by the lack of nutrients that are abundant in Moringa.
Three spoonfuls of Moringa leaf powder contain 272% of a typical
toddlerís daily Vitamin A requirement, along with 42% of the protein,
125% of the calcium,, 71% of the iron and 22% of the Vitamin C. It
contains a full complement of minerals and all the amino acids of
meat.Some people find its water-purifying powers most compelling. Lack
of drinkable water is, arguably, the worldís biggest health threat.
Pressed Moringa seeds can turn a tumbler bacteria-laced river muck into
clean water more economically than imported chemicals, researchers
say.ìWith all these advantages, what are we waiting for?î University of
Leicester scientist Ben Bazeley wrote last year in The Rotarian
magazine. Rotary Clubs are sponsoring Moringa projects in Brazil and
Zimbabwe.Its medicinal qualities also are tantalizing. The seeds and
roots contain an antibiotic that Guatemalaís University of San Carlos
found to be as effective against skin infections as neomycin. In recent
years, studies published in the journal Phytotherapy Research and
HortScience have found different Moringa parts to be effective in
lowering blood sugar, reducing swelling, healing gastric ulcers,
lowering blood pressure and even calming the nervous system.Moringa is
also very rugged for something that sprouts flowers. A seed or cut
branch can grow into a 15 foot tree in a year. A giant tap root lets
the plant soldier through Saharan-scale droughts and withstand overly
acidic, alkaline or salty soil. Though Moringa oleifera is most common,
there are a dozen other known species within the genus, which means they
share the same underlying biochemical structure. Moringa plays a blue
fungus in Madagascar, green cactuses in Mexico and a bulbous bottle tree
in Oman.It has hundreds of names: the Benzolive tree of Haiti, the
Malunggay of the Philippines, even the horseradish tree of Florida
because the roots taste like the condiment. But the root bark is toxic
and the root meat contains a nerve paralyzer. Moringa bark is sometimes
used to induce abortions in India, sometimes killing women in the
process.Mark Olson, a Washington University doctoral candidate in
evolutionary botany, has spent the last five years scouring some of the
worldís deadliest shrubbery in a hunt for every species. Trip to
Unstable Somalia Pays OffHeís found 12, and he suspects the 13th may be
extinct. Each are found in dry, remote tropical areas that often feature
a ware of some kind. ìPracticallyh nothing is known about them, and I
quickly found out why,î said Olson.Particularly hairy was a 1998 hunt
for a species that hadnít been recorded in 30 years. Olson and a band
of armed bodyguards had to forage through the plantís likeliest habitat:
perennially unstable Somalia. The risk was worth it. Out in the
scrub of the arid landscape, Olson found his missing Moringa. It was
laden with pods that looked like 3-foot-long string beans. ìThe local
people used them for everything,î said Olson. ìItís one of the most
useful trees in the world.îTime will tell if Moringa makes its way to
American supermarkets, where everything from ginkgo biloba to green
algae can be found crammed into artificially flavored chocolate
bars.Olson, whose field work was recently featured in National
Geographic magazine, has become a human clearinghouse of all things
Moringa. He said heís seen a big jump in entrepreneurial inquiries in
the last year.ìI get e-mails from businessmen in China who are growing
huge crops of this to make money,î he said. ìThereís a huge amount of
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