Moringa - The Best Breast Feeding Supplement
Many people across the world are learning about the enormous health benefits of Moringa. Moringa is a fast growing tree that produces leaves and fruit pods that are consumed as a highly nutritious food. The nutritional density and diversity of Moringa has deemed it the "Miracle Tree" or nature's most nutritious food. The nutrients in this miracle from nature have been reported to treat over 300 different diseases and disorders of the body.
Aside from the obvious health benefits exhibited by Moringa, mothers around the world have been using it obscurely as a natural way to increase breast milk. The natural constituents of Moringa leaves and fruit pods are nature's answer to helping mothers produce copious amounts of highly nutritious milk for their infants. The term given an herb or food that increases the flow or production of breast milk is galactogogue.
Moringa has been clinically proven to increase the production of breast milk whether it is consumed before or after the birth of a baby. Mothers who took Moringa were shown to produce more than 2x the amount of breast milk than those who didn't. We all know instinctively that breast milk is the ultimate food prescribed by nature for the infant child and Moringa can be instrumental in helping mothers produce more of this precious food.
The health benefits of Moringa are legendary and it would not be hard to figure that it could be an important step for any potential mother to consider taking Moringa to supplement their nutritional needs thus passing on to the growing fetus critical nutrients that are vital to a healthy baby at delivery. The importance of certain nutrients during the gestation period (notably folic acid for the prevention of spina bifida) solidifies the need for a food supplement that gives the body a complete array of nutrients in a safe bio-available form. Also mothers who took Moringa during pregnancy have experienced being able to produce milk much quicker after delivery verses those mothers who didn't. It's very important for the newborn to get vital nutrients such as good fats (DHA and EPA) for brain development, immune system protectors, digestible protein, the amino acids argenine and histidine plus many others as soon as possible to start the process of total body development. Nothing is better at supplying those nutrients than breast milk fortified from a mother taking Moringa.
Babies that are breastfed have been proven by research to be far healthier across all spectrums because breast milk offers all the nutrients their growing bodies need during the first 6 months. Breastfed babies have much improved immune systems, less allergies, better digestion, greater intelligence and the list goes on and on. Why wouldn't any mother or mother to be, want to give their bundle of joy the absolute best that they can give, even if it meant having to use a breast pump and storing the breast milk in the fridge for later use? The use of Moringa by the mother would create the ultimate breast milk made even more nutritious by the vast array of vital nutrients naturally available to the mother. To put it simply, if the mother is granted better health by ingesting Moringa ,all of her healthy benefits are passed on to the baby for a future of better health.
Moringa leaves and fruit pods are truly nature's greatest compilation of vital nutrients for total body health. It is a virtual panacea of health benefits unmatched by any herbal or food supplement that I have seen in over 30 years of studying natural medicine (for my own health). Moringa's universal application, efficacy, low price and safety makes it the most perfect food supplement for the youngest to the most senior citizen.
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